Thursday, June 25, 2009

Free or Possible Overage on Apple and Eve Organic Juice

"Apple and Eve 4 packs of juice boxes are priced at $1.39 at Publix. Use the $1/1 Publix coupon from the Smart Summertime Savings booklet, plus the Manufacturer coupon from the current Greenwise Magazine or from the 4/5 SS insert, and get these for FREE or better! The 8 packs would also end up being free or cheap with both coupons!"
Thanks Thrifty Mama!
This is a great deal on FREE Organic juice! It also comes at a great time because I am getting super low on my juice for Caroline. I don't allow her to drink straight juice (90% water, 10% juice), so this will last me a long time!! Not to mention the overage this will give me towards other grocery items!!!


Over-Caffeinated said...

I think I got some free soap last night at Target. They had a display where you could buy two softsoap or Irish Spring for $6 and if you bought two you get a free $5 gift card. So I had a coupon for .75 off both Soft Soap and Irish Spring, which I used to get one soap down to $5.25, then I got the $5 gift card, which made the one two pack only .25. The other two pack was $5.25, which is around $2.60 for each, which in and of itself isn't necessarily a good deal, but when you consider I got four for $5.50, that's pretty decent, right???? I'm so new to all this I get excited over the least little thing. I'm headed out to Publix to get my juice today.

Also, I did not find the green flier you were talking about last week so I couldn't get the clippers at my Publix. I looked everywhere. I got a ton of other coupon books because I was on the lookout for the green ones everywhere I went, but I never saw any green ones... grrrr!

Bethany said...

I think you got a great deal! I always get excited over my deals. It still hasn't worn off yet! :) The green flier used to be in the turnstyle next to the ads. The Revlon clippers will come back soon. They seem to run a deal on these most of the time. Remember, pick up all coupons because you never know when you will need them for overage. Such as a roach/ant spray that I just learned about. hahahaha!
Congrats on your good deal and keep it up! :)