I'm adopting the phrase, "Put me in coach, I'm ready to play..." as one of my new sayings. I really hate making resolutions, since I usually break them within the first month. :( I have only kept one and I am proud to say that I have gone 15 years without drinking soda. I honestly don't miss it...but anyway...back to my point.
As you know, the economy tanked out about the time we were finishing up our adoption (not to mention the extra expenses added onto our CRAZY adoption). It was a horrible time to be a stay at home mom, but it was a VERY important decision to help with Caroline's adjustment into our family and we were financially able to do this. As a way of saving money, I began clipping coupons. Little did I know how our lives were going to change with this new 'hobby'. We were paying VERY LITTLE for our groceries and were eating filet mignon at least once a week! As time went on, the 'free' newspapers started dwindling and my patience/energy started going down too. Clipping coupons became a HUGE chore since I was obsessed with it!! I kinda just stopped....yes, it was sad! I was still mindful of what I purchased but wasn't saving the obscene amounts of money like in the past.
Now that I am back to work, I can't even remember the last time I bought a paper. Finances are tighter and extra time is nonexistent. So, I decided my "Put Me In Coach..." moment will be to begin clipping coupons AGAIN. I bought two papers on Sunday and will start out slow and easy. I DO NOT have the time to run all over the place for the
best deals. My stockpile will not be trophy-worthy, but I WILL start saving money again. I have even planned my grocery lists for this week and next week at Publix. As usual, I am VERY excited to see how much money just a few coupons can save me. It's about time to get back in the game...
I wish that I could stay accountable to this by taking pictures of my purchases/deals once again, but TIME is of the essence and I have NO extra time. I'm still having a difficult time balancing my work/home/Caroline/tennis and I just don't think I could do that. I'll see what I can manage to come up with since accountability is VERY important. Stay tuned and let's see how many 'points' I'll be able to score.