Monday, November 19, 2007

Hello from Guatemala!

We are here! After a rough start in the Atlanta airport and our room not being ready when we arrived, we finally have our sweet baby in our arms! Caroline is so big! She is weighing in arouned 20-22 pounds and is full muscle!!! (yeah, right!) She is so happy and full of personality! She is very playful and loves all of her new toys. She picks each one up and inspects it before it goes directly to her mouth.

Apparently, according to the doctor, she is to fat for cereal. They bypassed the cereal stage and went directly to food. Good and bad...I brought down enough cereal for every baby in Guatemala in September and I was not prepared for actual food this trip. I did bring some food, but not the food that she's been eating. The fostermom says that she eats bananas in the AM and chicken flavor Gerber in the PM. What???? We totally missed stage 1 and 2 with the foods???? Oh well. I've been giving her bananas mixed with her cereal and sweet potatoes and squash at night. However, she is a little "stopped up", so she's been eating prunes! Still no news to report from that end! YIKES!!!

Caroline is having a little separation and stranger anxiety this trip. My sister warned me of this, but I sort of dismissed it. She prefers me over Tim and tends to cry when she has to stay with him. If she doesn't see me, then we are okay, but if so, we are in TROUBLE! She loves him, but I guess she's at the age that she has preferences. She'll get better with him and maybe he won't be so nervous around her soon.

The past few nights have been rough sleeping. The first night, she woke up 3 times and cried out. But, she went right back to sleep. The second night, she woke up every hour crying. As soon as I picked her up, she went back to sleep. Last night, was horrible! I put her down around 9 and as soon as I would get her sound asleep, she would wake up crying. If I picked her up, she'd stop and go back to sleep. This went on for hours! I finally gave up and held her in the bed with us. She then went to sleep and slept until 7:30 this morning! I swear that I am being manipulated by a seventh month old baby! Weird, huh?

Stay tuned for later...


Becky Scott said...

It's about time! I've been waiting all weekend for an update. :) Caroline is beautiful. Tell Tim that things will get better. She will find that daddy will get her anything her little heart desires, then you'll (Bethany) will be chopped liver!
Love ya'll! Have a great time!

LouLou said...

Hey guys!!!! It's only a matter of time until Caroline is a total daddy's girl and Tim will be doing back flips for her!!!! I wish I was there at that Marriot sitting outside by the pool with you.... Remember all the crazy things we saw in the pool???? LOL!!!!! Eat a yummy waffle at breakfast for me...

Love to all 3 of you!!!

jeck said...

Glad you are in Guatemala with Caroline!! Praying that you have great news soon!!!