Sunday, November 30, 2008

Back to our regular posting

We have been visiting my parents in Tennessee/Kentucky since last Monday. We had a great time and I got some much needed rest. Caroline loved spending time with her Nana and PePaw. Our family celebrated Thanksgiving at my aunt and uncle's house. Caroline loved playing with their neighbor's cats. She was so excited that she couldn't hardly eat her turkey! It's amazing how different things were this year compared to last year. It's been a year of ups and downs and I am so thankful that we are finally a family in the United States. We celebrated a first with Caroline...her first turkey and dressing! She loved it!

During the week, we spent some quality time with each of my parents. My stepfather and I took Caroline shoe shopping. We went to two different stores before we finally found some shoes that fit her. She was so cute in the boutique. There was this really cute (way overpriced) comfy chair that she claimed as her own. She would sit down in it and let me put her shoes on. When we asked her to stand up and walk around, she would stand up, grin and immediately sit back in the chair. It was really cute! Pepaw treated Caroline not only to one pair of shoes, but TWO! What a lucky little girl! We then went and bought her main present from my parents. I spotted a "custom" kitchen and knew that she would love it. So, we went and picked that up and of course, a new baby doll.

Caroline has a new dolls. My mom gave her a little stroller and a baby bed for her Thanksgiving present. It's perfect! I am looking forward to seeing her discover all her new "favorites". Christmas is going to be PERFECT!!!!

Stay tuned for pictures.

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