On with the story...I am going to reveal to you a glimpse into my world when mommy isn't feeling well. I also feel like I want to post something that just isn't so "rosy" and perfect. It's just that kind of day. So, close your eyes and wait for the disarray to be revealed. Ready?
Disclaimer: I would like to add that I am usually very neat. My house isn't normally this bad! Also, I think this would have made a great "Not Me Monday" post.
Caroline moved the dogs' bed and decided to help sweep. But forgot how to put up the broom!
Here we have "naked baby" and an empty water bottle. Notice the pajamas...
Ohhh the good stuff! Caroline decided to pull out her pajamas and bring them into the living room. AFTER, I just folded them and put them away!
Blocks are NO FUN unless you dump them out and walk far away!
Mommy's mess mixed in with Caroline's leftover dumped food residue on the wonderful glass table! Who needs a plate when the entire table is already messy?
I understand the messiness, its just how it is somedays, i think most people would still consider that clean especially those that have more then 1 kid. It might just be that your eustachian tube stayed a bit swollen so its not regulating your middle ear pressure which give you pain, you cound try taking an antihistamine for 4 days or so in a row and see if that helps. I had a little head cold when leaving germany, but the time I got to canada I couldn't hear at all out of that ear and was in so much pain, I must say that ear has never been the same
my house looks like that most days, I have to say. But it's getting better:)
Hope ya'll can join us on Monday. 10:30 at the Stockbridge library.
That's it?!?! That's your mess?!? Oh honey...I'm so glad you have a girl because you have NO idea. lol I'm going to have take a picture of our living room on an average day and send it to you. (and I like everything to be in a certain place but that is NOT happening around her anymore. lol)
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